How to Check Location on iPhone


If you want to find out who can see your iPhone location, or track a family member’s phone, there are many ways you can do it. We’ll discuss different options here and help you decide which is best for your needs!

First, let’s look at how to check location on your iPhone. You can see a detailed history of where you’ve been from the “Privacy” tab inside Settings. For example, here is my phone:

You’ll be able to view dates and times for all places you have visited over the past 30 days! If it turns out that someone has been tracking you, or that the location history is incorrect for some reason, you can simply turn it off in “Privacy” settings.

You are now ready to learn how to track an iPhone with only the number! The simplest way to do this is by using mSpy . You will be able to view all of their activity on any phone they have access too. This includes calls made and received, text messages sent and received (and deleted), emails sent/received from Gmail accounts , GPS locations , photos taken with your camera , browser history , and much more.

You can find out who has been tracking your iPhone in a number of ways, but one of the easiest is by going to Google Maps . There you will be able to see all locations visited on any given day(s).

Can I track my wife’s phone without her knowing?

Can you spy on an iPhone with just the number?

Yes! If this is what you are looking for, then mSpy will be perfect. You can see your wife’s or husband’s activity in real time and they will never know that their phone is being tracked ! All of these details can be found on any device which has access to their iCloud account . Can I track my family members iPhones without them knowing?

You should avoid doing so if possible, since it could lead down a dangerous path. Having said that, there are ways through which you may do so – especially when absolutely necessary. There are several apps out there (many of which claim they offer cell phone tracker services ) but unfortunately don’t work as advertised… or worse yet, may put your computer or phone at risk.

Find Your Location History of Your iPhone or iPad

If you’re looking for a way to track your iPhone location without jailbreaking, one method is to use iCloud. This service stores the history of every place that you’ve travelled throughout the day – including latitude and longitude coordinates. To view this information on an iOS device (iPhone or iPad), follow these simple steps:

Find Your Location History in Google Maps

Google has its own mapping application installed by default on Android devices (and it’s available as part of the basic suite of apps if you have an iPhone). If I want to find out where my phone was yesterday afternoon, perhaps because someone stole it after work, I can go into Google maps and see exactly where it went! Not only does this give me exact locations but also travel routes.

To view your location history, open Google Maps and sign into the same account that you use on your iPhone or iPad. If you don’t have a Gmail address then create one here . Make sure that ‘Private’ is selected under “Location Reporting” otherwise any of this information will be visible to everyone! Under the Menu icon in the top left corner select Your Timeline which should appear as an option next to Traffic near the top of the screen – if it doesn’t there may be a problem with syncing between devices so check out these troubleshooting steps first before assuming anything else:

On Your Timeline page scroll down until you see yesterday’s date where all locations recorded during that day are displayed using pins on a map. A white line will connect the locations to help you see where you’ve been. Tap on a pin and then select “View Directions” for more information including route, distance travelled and total time taken:

Find Your Location History of Your iPhone or iPad

To view your location history in Google Maps go to using the web browser on any device – laptop/desktop computer etc., sign into Google if not already logged-in (you need to be signed-into Gmail first), click here  and enter an address that is stored within your phone’s contacts list then press search :

If there are multiple matches found choose one by double clicking anywhere inside the map area or selecting it from the drop down below if it appears instead:  

How to check who can see your iPhone location?

If you are using an iOS device there is a setting available under Settings > Privacy called ‘Location Services’. The options for this should be fairly self-explanatory but if not here is what they mean:

Never  says nothing and means nobody sees anything. This option includes tracking companies such as Google so don’t use it unless you really know what you’re doing!

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